Rebranding Survey
The Health Spatial Data Infrastructure Concept Development Study Engineering Report has finally been published by the Open Geospatial Consortium.
On December 15, 2021, the New York City Council unanimously voted to pass a law creating a Chief Geospatial Information Officer (CGIO) and requires DOITT to maintain and implement a special data interoperability strategy, including the development and maintenance of a strategic plan for the City’s use of geospatial information systems (GIS).
Join GISMO’s Monthly Map Challenge
Capture this knowledge and more at GISMO's National Native American Heritage Month Map Challenge. It's easy. Upload photos and map coordinates of notable Native American History sites using our online form.
Capture this knowledge and more at GISMO's Hispanic/Latinx Heritage Month Map Challenge. It's easy. Upload photos and map coordinates of notable Hispanic/Latinx History sites using our online form.
On the occasion of the 20th Anniversary of 9/11/2001, an event in which our community gathered together to support the emergency response in the aftermath of the World Trade Center…