In the early 2000s GISMO formed an agreement with the New York State GIS Association (“NYCGISA”) to affiliate as a NYC regional chapter of the larger association. NYSGISA is the premier statewide professional organization for GIS and related industries. The Association advocates in the state and nationally on issues of importance to the GIS industry (e.g., legislation and funding), builds strong collaborations with sister organizations in other professions, and provides a statewide forum for advancing our profession through shared experiences, learning and training.

NYSGISA coordinates GISMO membership and is our fiscal sponsor, holding funds from GISMO dues so we can provide space, refreshments and small project funds for our members. A GISMO board member sits on the coordinating committee for the bi-annual GeoSummit, NYGeoCon and the NYSGISA Annual Meeting.
Your membership in GISMO confers membership in the larger NYSGISA program with access to conference, trainings and webinars from chapters thorughout New York State.
For more information, visit: