Spring Save the Dates
Save the dates for these upcoming GISMO events.
RIP Dan McHugh (February 27, 1947 – December 17, 2024)
Dear All, It is difficult to begin the new year as the bearer of sad news. With heavy hearts, we share the passing of our dear friend, Dan McHugh. Dan passed peacefully on December 17, 2024, in Ooltewah, Tennessee. His wife, Catherine, has shared information about the wake and funeral with us for those interested…
Alan Leidner Appointed to National Geospatial Advisory Committee
We are happy to announce that Alan Leidner, a long time GISMO member and current Treasurer and Board Member, has been appointed to the Federal Geographic Data Committee’s (FGDC) National Geospatial Advisory Committee (NGAC). NGAC provides advice, including recommendations on the development of the National Spatial Data Infrastructure (NSDI), and guidance to the FGDC whose…
Call for Presenters: GISMO’s Geospatial Career Series
This is a call for contributions to GISMO’s Geospatial Career Series this academic year. There will be four 90-minute events in the series. We are looking for presenters for the following: The events will be held in-person or on Zoom depending on presenter availability. If interested, please submit a completed form by September 30, 2024. Link to…
NSDI Strategic Plan Request for Comments
The Federal Geographic Data Committee is requesting input from the national GIS community about the National Spatial Data Infrastructure (NSDI) Strategic Plan. If you are so inclined, please read the plan and respond using the Comment Matrix document linked below. It is exciting that FGDC is soliciting comments in this way from our entire community.…
Thank You Message from Jack’s Family
Dear Family and Friends, We are so grateful for the love and support you’ve given our family. We appreciate you attending Jack’s memorial service and celebrating his life with us. Thank you for sharing your wonderful memories of Jack with us. Your memories and deeds that you have given him will forever be remembered and…
GISMO Selected for OGC DP-24 Grant
We are pleased to announce that the GISMO has been selected by the The Open Geospatial Consortium (OGC) to receive a grant to develop a pilot project as part of its Climate and Disaster Resilience Program, DP-24. The GISMO team which includes Professor Sean Ahearn of Hunter College, and CEO Ajay Gupta of HSR.health, among…
Nominations for 2023-2025 GISMO Board Open
Dear GISMO Member, GISMO bylaws provide for new elections every two years and so we will be having an election this Fall, 2023. Nominations will be open between October 23rd and November 3rd. We will be voting for all eight Board of Director members and for the position of GISMO President. The President is a voting member of the…
GISMO Celebrates World Rat Day and Launches Rat App to Spot, Report and Map Rat Sightings
GISMO Celebrates World Rat Day! Every year on April 4th, World Rat Day celebrates this intelligent rodent. It’s also a day to promote the idea of keeping rats as pets. World Rat Day was founded in 2002 by a group of pet rat enthusiasts who wanted to challenge the stigma surrounding these intelligent creatures and shed light…
GISMO Mentorship Program Meeting
Are you trying to learn more on how to get professionally involved in the field of GIS? Or are you already a professional who would like to help someone new navigate the field? Then participating in our mentorship program can be a great opportunity for you. GISMO is in the process of determining interest for…
Rebranding Survey
GISMO is rebranding! Give us your feedback and vote for your favorite logo.
OGC Releases New Health Report
The Health Spatial Data Infrastructure Concept Development Study Engineering Report has finally been published by the Open Geospatial Consortium.
OGC Engineering Report Published
The Health Spatial Data Infrastructure Concept Development Study Engineering Report (ogc.org) has finally been published by the Open Geospatial Consortium. Much thanks to the Office of the NYS GIO, the NYS GIS Association Regional Committee, NYC GISMO, and NSGIC for their invaluable inputs and support. The study makes a strong case for improved use of…
Local Law No. 2158A
On December 15, 2021, the New York City Council unanimously voted to pass a law creating a Chief Geospatial Information Officer (CGIO) and requires DOITT to maintain and implement a special data interoperability strategy, including the development and maintenance of a strategic plan for the City’s use of geospatial information systems (GIS).
2021 GISMO Election Results
I am pleased to announce the results of GISMO’s bi-annual nominations and elections process that has just concluded. All eight Board of Directors seats and the GISMO Presidency were up for grabs. However, in the end, the number of candidates equaled the number of open positions. Consequently, we will dispense with sending out ballots and…
GISMO’s Monthly Map Challenge: National Native American Heritage Month
Join GISMO’s Monthly Map Challenge Capture this knowledge and more at GISMO’s National Native American Heritage Month Map Challenge. It’s easy. Upload photos and map coordinates of notable Native American History sites using our online form.
2021 GISMO Elections
GISMO bylaws provide for new elections every two years and so we will be having an election this Fall, 2021. Nominations will be open between October 20th and November 5th. We will be voting for all eight Board of Director members and for the position of GISMO President. Learn now.
GISMO’s Monthly Map Challenge: National Hispanic/Latinx Heritage Month
Capture this knowledge and more at GISMO’s Hispanic/Latinx Heritage Month Map Challenge. It’s easy. Upload photos and map coordinates of notable Hispanic/Latinx History sites using our online form.
9/11 Geospatial Archive
On the occasion of the 20th Anniversary of 9/11/2001, an event in which our community gathered together to support the emergency response in the aftermath of the World Trade Center attack, GISMO announces an opportunity to contribute to the 9/11 Geospatial Archive, a growing collection of geospatial related artifacts, personal stories and ephemera. If you would…
GISMO’s Monthly Map Challenge: 9/11 20th Year Commemoration
Capture this knowledge and more at GISMO’s 9/11 20th Year Commemoration Month Map Challenge. It’s easy. Upload photos and map coordinates of notable 9/11 history sites using our online form.
Recap of 9/24 City Council Hearing
9/24 City Council Hearing on GIS Legislation
A City Council hearing on GIS Legislation was been scheduled for Friday, September 24, 2021 at 3 pm. Submit your testimony in support of Intro. 2158
9/24 City Council GIS Legislation
Dear GIS Community, I am happy to report that a City Council legislative proposal sponsored by GISMO to provide for a Citywide GIO, a GIS Steering Committee, and a GIS Strategic Plan will receive a hearing on September 24th between 4pm and 6pm. You are invited to attend the hearing, to speak at the hearing if…
GISMO’s Monthly Map Challenge: Celebrate National Ice Cream Month
Join GISMO’s Monthly Map Challenge Capture this knowledge and more at GISMO’s Celebrate National Ice Cream Month Map Challenge. It’s easy. Upload photos and map coordinates of notable Ice Cream History sites using our online form.
GISMO’s Monthly Map Challenge: Celebrate Pride Month
Join GISMO’s Monthly Map Challenge Capture this knowledge and more at GISMO’s Celebrate Pride Month Map Challenge. It’s easy. Upload photos and map coordinates of notable LGBTQ History sites using our online form.
GISMO’s Monthly Map Challenge: Jewish Heritage Month
Join GISMO’s Monthly Map Challenge Capture this knowledge and more at GISMO’s Jewish Heritage Month Map Challenge. It’s easy. Upload photos and map coordinates of notable Jewish History sites using our online form.
GISMO’s Lunchtime Mapathon
Thursday, November 18, 202112 Noon to 1:30 PM EDTGrab a lunch and join us in Zoom for some collaborative mapping in honor of Native Americans!
GISMO’s Monthly Map Challenge: Asian American/Pacific Islander History Month
Join GISMO’s Monthly Map Challenge Capture this knowledge and more at GISMO’s Asian American Native Hawaiian and Pacific Islander Heritage Month Map Challenge. It’s easy. Upload photos and map coordinates of notable AANHPI History sites using our online form.
Join GISMO’s Monthly Map Challenge
Join GISMO’s Monthly Map Challenge Capture this knowledge and more at GISMO’s Celebrate National Ice Cream Month Map Challenge. It’s easy. Upload photos and map coordinates of notable Ice Cream History sites using our online form.
GISMO’s Monthly Map Challenge
Join us every month for a different map challenge. It’s easy. Using our online form, upload photos and map coordinates of notable sites related to the month’s map theme. Feel free to include a story that captures your recollections, personal histories or family lore. Map of all verified sites submitted: 2021 Submission forms for: National…
GISMO’s Monthly Map Challenge: Celebrating Planet Earth
Join GISMO’s Monthly Map ChallengeCapture this knowledge and more at GISMO’s Celebrating Planet Earth Monthly Map Challenge. It’s easy. Upload photos and map coordinates of notable Earth Day and Environmental Protection related sites using our online form.
GISMO’s Monthly Map Challenge: Black History Month
Join GISMO’s Monthly Map ChallengeCapture this knowledge and more at GISMO’s Black History Month Map Challenge. It’s easy. Upload photos and map coordinates of notable Black History sites using our online form Did you know… …that Luckey Robert’s St. Nick Pub, known as Poosepahtook in the 30s and Luckey’s Rendezvous in the 40s was…
GISMO’s Monthly Map Challenge: Women’s History Month
Join GISMO’s Monthly Map ChallengeCapture this knowledge and more at GISMO’s Women’s History Month Map Challenge. It’s easy. Upload photos and map coordinates of notable Women’s History sites using our online form.
DOITT GIS Legislation
During The New York City Council Stated Meeting scheduled for today, November 19th, 2020 Council Member Stephen Levin will introduce our legislation. More specifically, a local law to amend the NYC charter, in relation to designating a geospatial information officer. Council Member Levin is expected to give brief remarks about GIS somewhere between 2:30 and…
Exclusive Invite to 2020 Esri User Conference
Dear GISMO Members, Dave LaShell of ESRI has extended an invitation to GISMO members to attend the virtual ESRI User Conference to be held between July 13th and July 16th. Attendance is free and you don’t have to travel to San Diego! While the complete conference is open to those who are licensed ESRI Users, there…
Invitation to 2020 Esri User Conference
Dave LaShell of ESRI has extended an invitation to GISMO members to attend the virtual ESRI User Conference to be held between July 13th and July 16th. Attendance is free and you don’t have to travel to San Diego! While the complete conference is open to those who are licensed ESRI Users, there are a number…
Statement to National Geospatial Advisory Committee
By Alan Leidner, President, NYC GISMO, June 10, 2020 We all recognize that when it comes to emergency and disaster planning and response, geospatial data and analytics, at a high level of granularity, are indispensable. GIS based 9-1-1 systems save hundreds of lives daily. I’ve personally witnessed the effectiveness of enterprise GIS in the responses…
COVID Work Interest Form
Questionnaire to Determine Interest in COVID Related Spatial Work https://tinyurl.com/GISMO-covid-interest
COVID-19 Materials
Learn how location can be used to fight COVID-19 and the value of GIS in the pandemic;. Additional links to coronavirus resources for data, GIS, and mapping.
Joint Statement on the Value of GIS in the Pandemic
NSGIC, alongside partners, MidAmerica GIS Consortium (MAGIC), Open Geospatial Consortium (OGC), Urban and Regional Information Systems Association (URISA), and the American Association of Geographers (AAG), are committed to beginning the national conversation about leveraging the best available data to better understand the spread and impacts of COVID-19.
Introduction to Applications of Google Earth Engine
Join us at 6 PM at Columbia University in honor of #GISDay (Nov 13) and as part of National Geography Week, @CIESIN and @gismonyc will host a workshop by Liza Goldberg @NASA @NASAGoddard to introduce us to uses and applications with #EarthEngine. Register at Eventbrite
Discounts to AGS Symposium
The annual 2050 Symposium of the American Geographical Society (AGS) is being held on November 21st and 22nd at Columbia University. The Conference theme is “Borders and a Borderless World”. Thanks to John Konarski (AGS CEO), members of GISMO and the NYS GIS Association are being offered a limited number of places at a special…
NYC Charter Revisions and GIS Oversight
by Noreen Whysel Since well before 9/11, GISMO, the NYC region’s oldest GIS interest group, has been working on advocacy initiatives to improve the way New York City collects, stores, shares and manages Geospatial Data and the processes and strategies around the City’s Geographic Information Systems (GIS) and related functions. Beginning in 1996, the City’s…
Open Data Week Event
User Experience With Spatial Data On The NYC Open Data Portal Wednesday, March 6, 2019 4:00 PM @ FCNY
AGS Discount Rate
Attend the Geography 2050 Symposium Nov 15 & 16, 2018 Columbia University, New York City
Brownfield Coalition of the Northeast (BCONE) honors Lee Ilan with 2018 “Outstanding Individual Achievement” award. More details here.
Field Trip
GISMO Visit to BGCCCI Tuesday, May 1, 2018 3:00 – 5:45 PM Registration Required.Limited to 30 participants.
Free Webinars
Free professional development and informative content to GISMO / NYS GIS Association members through our live webinars, webinar archive, and YouTube channel. View schedule on the NYS GIS Association website.
March 3, 2018: School of Data, Beta NYC
On Saturday, March 3rd, join BetaNYC for international open data day and NYC School of Data 2018! This year’s conference — our ninth — asks you to invision better community resources to improve our neighborhoods. Join us for thought provoking sessions and small group workshops on digital literacy, privacy, smart cities, open government, and civic technology. Come spend the…
March 2, 2018: Data Through Design, Pratt SAVI
As part of New York City’s Open Data Week, Data through Design is now accepting submissions for our exhibition. We invite artists, designers, coders, technologists, engineers, architects, and citizens alike to submit their proposals for the event. All submissions should use at least one of NYC’s open datasets, available through Open Data Portal. The theme…
NYC Geospatial Architecture
GISMO’s “Guiding Principles and Policies for New York City’s Geospatial Architecture” document was compiled by GISMO President Alan Leidner based on input from GISMO members and from national GIS leaders. Please read it and provide us with your comments.
New Board & Officers
The GISMO By-laws & Elections Committee is pleased to announce the 2017-2019 GISMO President and Board of Directors.
New Board & Officers
We are pleased to announce the 2017-2019 GISMO President and Board of Directors. This election cycle was uncontested (i.e., one candidate for the President position and eight candidates for eight Board positions), thus the procedures for casting ballots was not necessary. Our new Board is wonderfully diverse, knowledgeable, highly talented. GISMO depends heavily on its…
Notes from NYS GIS Association Geospatial Conference in Lake Placid
Lots of good tidbits for future action. Lots of interaction among participants.
2021 Elections Info
The current GISMO President and the eight Board of Directors are serving out their current two-year terms and all positions will be open for nominations. Nominations are due by Friday, October 18th, 2019.
GIS Job Fair a Success!
2nd GISMO Jobs Fair A Success GISMO held its second annual Jobs Fair on Wednesday, November 14th at Hunter College, in the spacious 3rd Floor Cafeteria of the West Building at East 68th Street and Lexington Avenue. Once again, a number of colleges and universities with GIS programs were represented including Hunter College, Lehman College,…
GISMO Members Featured in Bloomberg Business Week
GISMO’s Alan Leidner and Wendy Dorf on NYC’s project to map deep, underground infrastructure, as reported in Bloomberg Businessweek.
NYSGISA Awards Program
Nominate your peers for Awards for Lifetime Achievement, GIS Champion, GIS Application, YouTube Sensation, UAV Innovation, and Individual Contributions to the Profession by September 8, 2017.
Job Fair Feedback Form
Keep in Touch
Veteran GISMO members may remember Zvia Naphtali. Zvia taught a GIS course at NYU, started a user’s group there, and eventually joined forces with GISMO. Her husband, Len Naphtali, worked with GIS at DEP and was also a GISMO member. Several years ago Len contracted Parkinson’s disease and they moved to Israel, where Zvia was…
New York Leads the Way on Underground Infrastructure Data Interoperability Effort
The Open Geospatial Consortium with the support and sponsorship of the Fund for the City of New York, the Ordnance Survey of Great Britain and the Singapore Land Authority are conducting a study of underground infrastructure data to develop a series of interoperable data standards for various utility networks and for the underground environment including…
Environmental PAG
Joy Cytryn and Stephen Metts are spearheading the formation of an Environmental Professional Affiliation Group (EnvPAG). One objective will be to connect with the wide array of environmental organizations active in the NYC Metro Area, ranging from large, national organizations to smaller, local groups with the idea of offering GIS services. For more information, contact…
Hiking with GISMO
Board Member Lisa Palmer is organizing a series of hiking events for GISMO members. For more information, please contact Lisa at Lisa.palmer823@gmail.com .
Interoperability Standards for Underground Infrastructure Data
OGC to initiate Phase 1 Development of Interoperability Standards for Underground Infrastructure Data Contact: info@opengeospatial.org 7 February 2017: The Open Geospatial Consortium (OGC®) is pleased to announce that the Fund for the City of New York and its sister organization, the National Center for Civic Innovation, has made a $25,000 grant to the OGC. These funds,…
Map Mosaic: Speaker Program
Announcing our speakers for the GISMO exhibit and forum at the Queens Museum. Join us for a maptastic weekend on October 29 – 30, 2016.
Annual Job Fair Event
2018 GIS Job & Career Fair Wednesday, November 14 1 PM @ Hunter College, West Bldg
GISMO @ Queens Museum
October 29-30, 2016Featuring an exhibition entitled”Map Mosaic: From Queens to the World”.
2015 Election Results
Congratulations to our newGISMO Board of Directors.
Emerging GIS
The NYS GIS Association was awarded a $10,000 grant by The Fund for The City of New York to assess the GIS needs and resources for municipalities throughout NYS and identify potential strategies and solutions for the increased use of GIS. Although GIS is used extensively in many areas, there are still places in New…
Meet the 2019-2021 Board
PRESIDENT Alan Leidner Dear GISMO members, I am running for another two year term as GISMO President. If elected I do not plan to run again in 2022. I use will another term in office to help prepare new GISMO leadership, while continuing to build GISMO’s membership, activities and influence. As current President and in…
2015 Elections
Now accepting nominations for President and At-Large Board Members.
GISMO 25th Anniversary
Preliminary Program Schedule May 1, 2015 1:00-1:05pm Welcoming Remarks Matthew Knutzen, President, GISMO; Geospatial Librarian, NYPL Map Division 1:05-1:20pm Introductory Remarks Gale Brewer, Manhattan Borough President 1:20-1:50pm GISMO history, restructuring and future • Jack Eichenbaum, Board Member, GISMO; Queensborough Historian GISMO History • Alan Leidner, Board Member, GISMO; Chair, Regional Committee, NYS GIS Association; Co-Founder…
Hunter College Open Source GIS
FREE AND OPEN SOURCE GIS One-week professional training course offered at Department of Geography, Hunter College, CUNY August 4–8, 2014, 9AM to 5PM Course Description This five day course will span the entire range of GIS data capturing, management, analysis, and visualization of geographic information using Free and Open Source Software (FOSS). These different…
September 11, 2001
GISMO is looking for someone to compile a curated collection of 10-20 maps related to September 11th. We have many resources and GISMO board members who are eager to assist in this project. Please use the contact us form on the home page to express interest in getting involved.