We are happy to announce that Alan Leidner, a long time GISMO member and current Treasurer and Board Member, has been appointed to the Federal Geographic Data Committee’s (FGDC) National Geospatial Advisory Committee (NGAC). NGAC provides advice, including recommendations on the development of the National Spatial Data Infrastructure (NSDI), and guidance to the FGDC whose members include the GIOs of federal agencies and whose purpose is to direct federal and national geospatial efforts.
As an NGAC member, Alan will be in position to advocate for geospatial policies that advance GIS in NYC and in the U.S. generally. Alan was quick to acknowledge that his appointment was made possible in large measure by the work of GISMO members over the past 35 years in helping to build GIS in NYC, and by GISMO’s contributions at the local, state, national, and international levels. Alan also wanted me to mention his gratitude to GISMO founder Jack Eichenbaum for his visionary leadership.
We are very excited for Alan and look forward to any opportunities this may bring us to continue building GISMO as well as the New York State GIS Association.
Congratulations Alan!
Dara Mendeloff
GISMO Interim President