Jack Eichenbaum, wearing a white, orange, green and lavender Hawaiian shirt, smiling next to a credenza,  holding a blue and gold globe of the earth.

Jack Eichenbaum in Memoriam

February 2, 1943 – December 30, 2023

Dear All,

It is with profound sadness I write to inform you of the passing of our dearly beloved Jack Eichenbaum, my uncle.

He passed away peacefully on December 30, 2023, after suffering from a stroke two days earlier. It brings me comfort knowing he got to enjoy one last travel excursion on a cruise to the Caribbean earlier that month.

Please join me as we gather as a family at the historic Roosevelt House on the evening of March 8th as a community to celebrate and honor Jack’s life as a friend, colleague, mentor, geographer, teacher, tour guide, civic activist, scrabble expert, the Official Queens Historian, and a true visionary who played an instrumental role in shaping the lives he encountered on the journey of life. We truly appreciate your support and love during this difficult time. Special thanks to Hunter College and GISMO for helping us with putting together the memorial.

Memorial Service Details:
Date: Friday, March 8, 2024
Time: 5:00 PM to 8:00 PM Eastern Time (ET)
Format: Hybrid (in-person with a remote Zoom option)
Location: Roosevelt House Public Policy Institute at Hunter College (located at 47-49 East 65th Street, New York, NY 10065)

Event Coordinator: Amy Jeu at amyjeu@gmail.com or ajeu@hunter.cuny.edu

RSVP for the memorial service or to share a memory, please do so at http://tinyurl.com/JEmemorial030824

In place of flowers, the family requests those who wish to express sympathy their sympathy to consider donating to the Queens Historical Society (https://queenshistoricalsociety.org), Cooper Union (https://cooper.edu), Queens Botanical Garden (https://queensbotanical.org), or the Depression and Bipolar Support Alliance (https://www.dbsalliance.org) in Jack Eichenbaum’s name.

Also, please send this along to anyone interested in attending the memorial service.

Warmest Regards,

on behalf of Eichenbaum Estate