Dear GIS Community,
I am happy to report that a City Council legislative proposal sponsored by GISMO to provide for a Citywide GIO, a GIS Steering Committee, and a GIS Strategic Plan will receive a hearing on September 24th between 4pm and 6pm. You are invited to attend the hearing, to speak at the hearing if you wish, and/or to write a letter of support. This is a big moment for GIS in NYC. We thank Council Members Levin, Holden, and Kallo; and Manhattan Borough President Brewer for supporting and helping to advance this legislation. Special thanks to Elizabeth Adams, Chief of Staff for Council Member Levin for all her work to make this happen. Below are instructions provided by Elizabeth about how to participate. Please email me at if you are having difficulty navigating the Council’s public hearing application or have any questions.
Best, Alan
Alan Leidner, President

Hearing on Intro. 2158, Committee on Technology:
Friday September 24, 2021 at 3:00pm, on Zoom
Here is the livestream:
Register here to testify:
Notes on testifying:
- They will call your name when it’s your turn to speak.
- Each speaker will have 3 minutes to speak. There will be a count-down clock in the corner of the screen showing how much time you have left.
- You can read from written testimony or just speak from the heart. Even if you don’t read testimony, you should think about the things you want to say in advance.
- Structure: Introduce yourself; Introduce your organization/affiliation; explain why you support Intro. 2158; end by saying: Please pass Intro 2158.
- Email your written testimony to & Council Member Stephen Levin’s Legislative Director, Elizabeth Adams,
If you email your testimony but don’t join the hearing:
- Use the same template outline as above.
- Email your testimony to & Council Member Stephen Levin’s Legislative Director,
- You have up to 72 hours after the hearing to email in your written testimony: by Wednesday, September 29th.
Elizabeth Adams
Co-Legislative Director
NYC Council Member Stephen Levin
250 Broadway, Room 1747